Is your boss driving you up the wall? Are you amazed that your manager was ever promoted to a position of responsibility?

Here are 10 signs that you might have a terrible boss.

Your boss…

  1. Makes “that’s the way we’ve always done it” their personal mantra. If it worked once, it will surely work forever.
  2. Thinks they are the smartest person in the room. Why bother to listen to anyone else?
  3. Makes promises they can’t keep. They forget about their little white lies, but their employees don’t.
  4. Doesn’t want to get coaching or attend management training. They already know it all.
  5. Won’t give praise and appreciation to their best employees, because high performers are “just doing their job”.
  6. Refuses to deal with problems caused by low performers. This boss is far too busy to pay attention to that stuff.
  7. Doesn’t bother to get to know personal details about those working with and for them. They call this being “all business”.
  8. Keeps company information to themselves. No one else is “important” enough to know the details.
  9. Discourages their employees from learning and advancing in their careers. Educated employees might get smart and leave.
  10. Talks to employees about their achievements precisely once a year on a formal Performance Evaluation. The other 364 days? Radio silence.

Terrible bosses are far too common, but they can transform with training and a willingness to get better.

If you report to a terrible boss, you have my sympathies. You can hope for the best or start planning a career change. Or share this post and hope for some inspiration!